
Borderlands Science launched today on Borderlands 3

Borderlands Science launched today on Borderlands 3

Today, Borderlands Science has launched in Borderlands 3, which is a minigame that lets you solve puzzles that are based on the trillions of microbes in the human gut. By using the massive community o... Read More »

RollerCoaster Tycoon World Full Version launching soon

RollerCoaster Tycoon World Full Version launching soon

The long awaited new RollerCoaster Tycoon game by Atari will be launching soon, on the 16th of November for PC. It will feature completely new gameplay and innovative enhancements like a piece-by-piec... Read More »

Overwatch gets new Developer Update video

Overwatch gets new Developer Update video

The developer crew of Overwatch has released some interesting Developer Updates from time to time, revealing their thought process behind the changes and features in the game. Now, you can have a look... Read More »