
Vikings: Season 6, Volume 1 & Volume 2 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

Vikings: Season 6, Volume 1 & Volume 2 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

It’s been a while since Volume 1 of the sixth and final season of Vikings was released. We discussed the physical release back in January 2021, and for many who do not have a Netflix subscriptio... Read More »

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Vikings: Season 6, Volume 1 (DVD) – Series Review

Vikings: Season 6, Volume 1 (DVD) – Series Review

Since season 4 of Vikings, the seasons have always been split into two volumes. While this may create the impression that the series does have fewer seasons, with the 10 episodes for each volume, they... Read More »

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Vikings: Season 5, Volume 1 (DVD) – Series Review

Vikings: Season 5, Volume 1 (DVD) – Series Review

Vikings has been going strong for over four seasons now, and they even doubled the number of episodes for the fourth and previous season. At the beginning of the journey, we didn’t know what to expe... Read More »

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Vikings: Season 4, Volume 2 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

Vikings: Season 4, Volume 2 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

The fourth season of Vikings has been presented in an interesting format, as the first three seasons counted only ten episodes each, the fourth immediately went for a double amount. Nonetheless, the s... Read More »

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Vikings: Season 4, Volume 1 (DVD) – Series Review

Vikings: Season 4, Volume 1 (DVD) – Series Review

Last time the Vikings marched on to Paris, hoping to bring home many spoils of war and legendary stories for both those who came back alive, as well as the brave warriors who were allowed through the ... Read More »

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De Rode Ridder #248 De Drakar Des Doods – Comic Book Review

De Rode Ridder #248 De Drakar Des Doods – Comic Book Review

It hasn’t been that long ago since our review of the third season of Vikings, where Ragnar Lothbrok led the Vikings to new heights, with his conquering spree. This time another Ragnar (which we susp... Read More »

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Vikings: Season 3 (DVD) – Series Review

Vikings: Season 3 (DVD) – Series Review

Fearsome Norsemen also known as the Vikings have always made for interesting tales of battle, pillaging as well as raping many women during their rampages. Nonetheless, many historical manuscripts poi... Read More »

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