Remember Me

Remember Me – Review

Remember Me – Review

Booting up a new franchise is always a big step, even for well known gaming companies like CAPCOM. Remember me happens to be one of those new franchises that’s being sent into the world. In many way... Read More »

Site Score
Don’t forget me

Don’t forget me

Remember Me has just launched today and it’s been one of my personal most anticipated games this year. To celebrate the launch of the memory focused game why not watch the games live action trai... Read More »

Remember this

Remember this

Remember Me is one of the few new IP’s coming out this late in the console cycle. Which means I’m quite excited to play the game, it helps that everything about the game seems fresh and in... Read More »

Remember me on June 4th

Remember me on June 4th

We are reaching the ending point for this console generation, the Wii U is out and the Playstation 4 has officially been announced. All that is left is Microsoft’s next console to be unveiled an... Read More »