
Semispheres out now on Nintendo Switch

Semispheres out now on Nintendo Switch

Most of us know that the Nintendo Switch uses two controllers in order to create a large one. With that mindset, the developers at Vivid Helix created a meditative puzzle game to play with that settin... Read More »

Semisphere coming to Nintendo Switch

Semisphere coming to Nintendo Switch

Puzzle games can be very entertaining and rewarding up to the point where you get stuck, rage and throw your mouse/controller at your screen in pure frustration. Luckily Vivid Helix anticipated this w... Read More »

Explore overlapping realities in Semispheres this February

Explore overlapping realities in Semispheres this February

Coming to PS4 and PC this February is a 2D puzzler with a difference. Semispheres will put you in control of near identical alternate dimensions. You can control multiple avatars, and by finding sligh... Read More »