Steam Workshop

Can you dig it!? Steam Workshop comes to Volcanoids this October!

Can you dig it!? Steam Workshop comes to Volcanoids this October!

Big announcement by independent, Prague-based studio Volcanoid! The gears continue to turn as their steampunk shooter survival game Volcanoids ramps up for another major update that will bring Steam W... Read More »

New update coming to Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master

New update coming to Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master

Today, Goblinz Studios has announced that a new update will be coming to Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master on May 18 this next week on Steam. The gamer released in Early Access back in Mar... Read More »

Autonauts receives a big free expansion

Autonauts receives a big free expansion

Denki and Curve Digital are happy to announce they have released a free expansion for Autonauts called The Industrial Revolution. The game is defined as an automated colony creator, and in the game, i... Read More »

Train Valley 2 – prepare your inner train fanatic!

Train Valley 2 – prepare your inner train fanatic!

Building and Managing your own railroad is immensely fun. These kinds of games of course already exist and some gamers might have even played one or two but wouldn’t it be fun if there was one with ... Read More »

XCOM 2 is geting a mod on Steam Workshop

XCOM 2 is geting a mod on Steam Workshop

When a mod gets support by the developers, it’s a good day. 2K and Firaxis are supporting Long War 2. It’s currently being featured on the Steam Workshop. The creators behind the mod is Pa... Read More »

Curvatron – Review

Curvatron – Review

Snake is a classic game that could be found on a lot of brick phones back in the day. While it seems like a very simple and complete game, Brave Bunny has found a way to reinvent it. Curvatron is a mo... Read More »

Site Score
Dying Light gets Deathmatch Mode

Dying Light gets Deathmatch Mode

Today Techland expanded Dying Light with a fee update for Steam Workshop’s Dying Light Dev Tools. The update, which launches alongside the PvP-focused custom map ‘Don’t Drown‘,... Read More »

Launch trailer for Orbitalis

Launch trailer for Orbitalis

Orbitalis is out now on Steam and of course there’s a trailer to celebrate it. Orbitalis is a puzzle game in which it’s up to you to defy gravity. Launch your probe with a single click and survive... Read More »

Cities: Skylines – Review

Cities: Skylines – Review

It has been a while since we’ve had a real good city-building game. 2003 had the release of SimCity 4 by Maxis. Then later in 2013 the next iteration in that series was plagued by a lot of issues, s... Read More »

Site Score
Cities: Skyline smashes records

Cities: Skyline smashes records

It has only been a couple of days since Cities: Skyline released but already publisher Paradox Interactive is pretty confident about its success. Rightfully so as developer Colossal Order’s latest t... Read More »