
World of Draghan: Sneaky Ol’ Dragons – Card Game Review

World of Draghan: Sneaky Ol’ Dragons – Card Game Review

Recently we took a look at one of Jumping Turtle Games’ new additions to their label. We turned ourselves into detectives in Detective Club, which proved to be a very entertaining experience. We... Read More »

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Black Sails: Season 2 (DVD) – Series Review

Black Sails: Season 2 (DVD) – Series Review

It has been a while since we last saw some pirates on the site and today we are able to offer you a glimpse of the life of actual pirates, albeit those who have been adapted ever so slightly in order ... Read More »

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Krasse Knarren #3 Wie Vertrekt – Comic Book Review

Krasse Knarren #3 Wie Vertrekt – Comic Book Review

Everybody will probably knows one of those stereotypical grumpy elderly people, who constantly whine about how the world used to be and that we’re over-privileged (and they’re probably right). Whi... Read More »

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Barracuda #5 Kannibalen – Comic Book Review

Barracuda #5 Kannibalen – Comic Book Review

Avast mateys! Let’s toss aside all the pleasantries and polite behavior, raise the sails and head out to the open sea. The Barracuda is both the name of the series, as well as the ship that is the e... Read More »

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