Twin Pack

The Parasite Pack hits consoles on July 1st

The Parasite Pack hits consoles on July 1st

Despite the rather unappealing name, the Parasite Pack is sure to delight gamers. It’s a twin-set of retro games: Flea and Tapeworm Disco Puzzle, released by Ratalaika Games, along with develope... Read More »

Baldur’s Gate I & II Enhanced Edition – Review

Baldur’s Gate I & II Enhanced Edition – Review

Baldur’s Gate is one of the very old games that people went haywire over because of how far ahead it was for its time. But that was in 1998, the year the original Baldur’s Gate got release... Read More »

Site Score
Venom Tennis Racket Twin Pack – Accessory Review

Venom Tennis Racket Twin Pack – Accessory Review

Not that long ago third party developers started swarming the market again to develop accessories for the Joy-Con controllers for the Switch. We’ve already tried out the Venom Racing Wheels, which c... Read More »