Venom Tennis Racket Twin Pack – Accessory Review
Not that long ago third party developers started swarming the market again to develop accessories for the Joy-Con controllers for the Switch. We’ve already tried out the Venom Racing Wheels, which certainly heightened the Mario Kart experience and were a great alternative to buying a pro controller, as the provided something more tangible to hold onto and gave you extra grip when playing the party racing game. This time, with the release of Mario Tennis Aces, Venom released a Tennis Racket Twin Pack, to use when playing the ‘Swing’ mode that’s incorporated in the game.
We’ve seen a lot of Tennis Racket accessories back in the days when the Wii was still a success story. This time, rather than a white colored piece of plastic, we’re treated to a pitch black design, that looks okay-ish, but still very much like a hunk of plastic. The Racing Wheels had a bit better design, and an air of quality, compared to the Tennis Racket Twin Pack. Nonetheless, the accessories look like they can pull off what they’re supposed to, and they feel very light in your hands. Sadly, there is no extra grip added to the handles, and they feel a bit clumsy for children to hold onto.
As mentioned above, the Tennis Racket Twin Pack certainly does the trick, and it gives you something to hold onto. Of course, you’ll need a bit more room than you’d otherwise need when just playing the motion controls portion of Mario Tennis Aces with only the Joy-Con controller in your hand. There’s one annoying part however. Before you start the Swing mode, you’ll have to press the L and R button of the Joy-Con controller, and if you accidentally go back, you’ll have to do the same over again. This means, when you go back by accident, when you already had the controller in the Tennis Racket, you’ll have to remove it again, to press the triggers, to squeeze it back in. The controller is a tight fight, and the developers made sure to add a hole on the backside of the Tennis Racket’s backside, to make it easier to remove the controller in its otherwise tight fitted cage.
Venom’s Tennis Racket Twin Pack is slightly inferior in terms of quality compared to their Racing Wheels accessory pack. Nonetheless, we’re sure that this pack will allow a younger audience to have fun playing the Swing mode of Mario Tennis Aces, instead of a broader audience that the Racing Wheels attracted. If you’re looking for something your kids can use, while breaking down the house, this pack might be interesting to keep an eye out for.
Venom Tennis Racket Twin Pack - Accessory Review,
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