Two and a Half Men

Togetherness: Season 1 (DVD) – Series Review

Togetherness: Season 1 (DVD) – Series Review

Starting a family of your own, and hoping it will all work out to create your own picture perfect family is something most of us would like, strive for or even have as their biggest goal in life. Whil... Read More »

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Two and a half Men: Season 12 (DVD) – Series Review

Two and a half Men: Season 12 (DVD) – Series Review

The comical series Two and a half Men continues in a twelfth season, which is also the final season featuring our favorite comical duo Alan Harper and Walden Schmidt. Despite the lack of Charlie Sheen... Read More »

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Two and a Half Men: Season 11 (DVD) – Series Review

Two and a Half Men: Season 11 (DVD) – Series Review

The comical series Two and a Half Men has been going on for quite a while now.  We’ve arrived at the eleventh season already and it seems like the series will go on for another season after thi... Read More »

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