
Mobile Pixels Duex Lite – Hardware Review

Mobile Pixels Duex Lite – Hardware Review

Over the course of the last few years, working from home has seen an exponential increase. Of course, the pandemic influenced this heavily, but it was also a rising trend before that. Nonetheless, wor... Read More »

New update released for Fallout 76

New update released for Fallout 76

Today, the newest update for Fallout 76 was released. This update brings a few requested changes, focused on the inventory interface in Fallout 76. As this hadn’t been changed since Fallout 3, i... Read More »

Hacks for Minecrafters: The unofficial guide to tips and tricks other guides won’t teach you – Guide Review

Hacks for Minecrafters: The unofficial guide to tips and tricks other guides won’t teach you – Guide Review

Recently we reviewed a fun children’s novel, that depicts the life of Steve, the main character of the Minecraft games. Even though the novel also presented the reader with many subtle tips and tric... Read More »

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