
A Simple Favor (DVD) – Movie Review

A Simple Favor (DVD) – Movie Review

At times it feels like we’re drowning in remakes, reboots or sequels of old movies, making it hard to look past the regurgitated mess that is getting released. While this statement may be somewhat c... Read More »

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Verstild Leven – Comic Book Review

Verstild Leven – Comic Book Review

Comic books posses a certain power, a power to visualize stories and make them something ‘out of this world’. Nonetheless, there are many that portray stories that actually happened, but make the ... Read More »

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Alleen #9 Voor het Middernachtkind – Comic Book Review

Alleen #9 Voor het Middernachtkind – Comic Book Review

It has not been that long since Dupuis released a bundle with three different first albums of different series in it, namely ‘De Durvers’. In this collection we had the chance to read the first is... Read More »

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