Test your mettle in the Tombs of Terror

Test your mettle in the Tombs of Terror

The Tombs of Terror have been opened and have unleashed the plagues of Uldum and chaos upon the lands, setting the plans of the league of E.V.I.L in motion. Chapters one and two are available to explore right now!

This is what you will find inside the Tombs of Terror:

  • Plague Lords: These massive monstrosities have enormous health pools, but all the damage you do to them is persistent, so even though you don’t beat them on your first attempt, you can just pick up where you left off
  • Dual-Class Heroes: Draft cards from two classes for your chosen hero, along with Hero Powers and Treasures
  • Powerful Signature Treasures: Unlocked by progressing the game and completing challenges and boss fights, you will find tons of magical loot and powerful cards as a reward for making your way through the Tombs of Terror.

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Proud Monster Hunter Psn: xgodpurex Switch friend code: SW-4977-2216-6399 Xbl: xgodpurex

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