The Banner Saga 2 launches earlier than expected on PS4 and Xbox One

In April this year The Banner Saga 2 was released on PC and it also received a very positive review on the site. Today, Stoic and Versus Evil have announced that the sequel to The Banner Saga will release earlier than expected on PS4 and Xbox One. Starting July 1st, The Banner Saga 2 will lauch into the Games with Gold program for Xbox One. A couple of days later, July 5th, players on PS4 will get a 10% discount when they buy The Banner Saga 2 and a 30% discount off the Banner Saga 1 and 2 complete pack.
“We are incredibly happy to be able to release Banner Saga 2 on console so that fans of the series can finally jump into the second installment of this epic saga. We pulled out all the stops to make this happen in timely manner and shortly after the PC version was released.”
As an additionel bonus PlayStation 4 gamers will get an exclusive passive ability boost, the Playful Hilt of Arnr and gamers on Xbox One will get the Tome of X, a book of catalogued pastimes, competition and puzzles. Both items will unlock automatically when the players have reached the required level.
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