The Crew 2 Season 3 Episode 2: US Speed Tour West available for free

As of today, US Speed Tour West, the second episode of the third season of The Crew 2, is available for free for all players. After exploring the East Coast of the US, it’s now time for players to explore the West Coast. With this new episode, players will also experience a new race each week that will take them to another city with special events along the road.
You can now take part in the most challenging competition produced by Motorflix. You will be challenged to get in your new cars and race past all the new iconic places and win races. A new brand called Creators has been added that will launch a new car each season created by designers like Yasiddesign who created the Yasiddesign x American Petrol Ed., a perfect mix between a tractor and an Alpha Grand Prix car.
This new episode also brings a new Motorpass with new exclusive vehicles like the Mazda MX-5 Miata NA Spearhog Ed. (Rally Raid) and the Lancia Delta S4 Hoodlum Racing Crew Ed. (Rallycross). Players will also keep on receiving new monthly vehicles and more vehicles will be added within the duration of this episode.
The Crew 2 is now available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Stadia and Windows PC via de Epic Games Store and the Ubisoft Store. Check out the new trailer for this new episode below this post. Our own review of The Crew 2 can be found here.
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