The King of Fighters XIV will be published in Europe!

Deep Silver has announced their partnership with SNK to publish the anticipated fighting game The King of Fighters XIV in Europe. The King of Fighters XIV will be released for PlayStation 4. The King of Fighters XIV launches throughout Europe on the 26th of August 2016 for €59,99/$59,99 at retail and digital.
The King of Fighters XIV completely refines and expands the series’ fighting mechanics to push its gameplay to the next level. The traditional 3-on-3 Battle System returns with 19 additional playable characters, meaning 50 in total to choose from. Take the fight online with friends in 6 player Party Battles over the vastly improved netcode. When in the ring, execute new EX special moves in the enhances Max Mode and chain your Super Special Moves together using the Climax Cancel, all to unleash devastating combos.
The story continues as a new sage unfolds in The King of Fighters XIV’s single player story mode. Pre-orders will be available soon for the retail version, offering the Day-one Steelbook edition including the Classic KYO Kusanagi DLC costume.
Key features for The King of Fighters XIV are:
- 50 fighters battle it out in one of King of Fighters’ biggest rosters
31 returning fighters join the tournament with 19 additional new characters.
- Climax Cancels
King of Fighters’ trademark special move mechanic has deeply evolved in The King of Fighters XIV. Now chain your special moves together to create ultra-destructive combos.
- Improved Max Mode
Max Mode returns deadlier than ever. Unleash EX specials to enhance your attacks and execute even deadlier moves.
- Party Battle Mode
Duke it out together with friends as 6 players in the online Party Battle Mode. Fight alongside your friends in 3-on-3 versus battles and use the built-in chat features to cheer your team on.
- Enhanced Online Modes
Create a The King of Fighters XIV profile to easily join the action online and fight on the vastly improved netcode. Train with friends in the Online Training Mode or spectate battles and capture replays to analyse fights frame-by-frame.
- A New King of Fighters Saga
Set several years after the last King of Fighters tournament, The King of Fighters XIV continues the tale in the robust single player story mode. Turned into a worldwide business, individuals and companies partake in a new King of Fighters tournament on a grand scale that could decide the fate of the world.
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