The Raven Legacy of a Master Thief – Now in HD!
Great news for the fans of; The Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief, because the game is being remastered. The new version will go by the name of “The Raven Remastered”. It will have a lot of upgrades and you will be able to experience the classic whodunit adventure in HD resolution.
The story of The Raven Remastered features Constable Anton Jakob Zellner who finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery. At the crime scene, a raven’s feather was found. Is somebody pretending to be The Raven, the legendary master thief who disappeared years before? Jakob has only read about these sort of crimes in his favorite crime novels. Whatever anyone does The Raven is always one step ahead…
Raven Remastered will feature:
- High-quality voice acting from a compelling cast.
- Fully remastered animations, lighting, and hair in full HD resolution.
The thrilling whodunit adventure that is the Raven Remastered is set for release on the 13th of March 2018 on PC, Mac, PS4 and Xbox One.
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