The Third BTS Episode For Horror Title Mundaun Shows The Inspiration Behind One Of The Game’s Buildings.
Hidden Fields, the one-man indie developer behind the game Mundaun, has just released their third behind the scenes episode on YouTube. Michael Zeigler takes viewers through the “Painter’s House”, an important area in the game. This episode is focused on showing viewers how to mix immersion, along with horror to create a more interactive experience with players.
Mundaun is a tale set on the darker side of the Swiss Alps, with a story rooted in the chilling folklore of the region. Players follow a young man who travels to the town of Mundaun to investigate the mysterious circumstances behind his grandfather’s death. Along the way, he discovers that something evil is haunting the eccentric residents of the town. Players will solve a number of hand-crafted puzzles to uncover the secrets of Mundaun, and must also avoid triggering the game’s unique fear system, a “cause-and-effect” gameplay feature that impacts players if they become scared.
More behind the scene videos will release soon following the release of the game. Mundaun is set to release on March 16th on consoles and PC. The option to wishlist the title is available now via Steam.
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