This War of Mine is coming to tabletops

This War of Mine has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from all kinds of parties to have ever faced warfare. The game is also critically acclaimed amongst gamers, which you can read in our review right here. Converting such an appraised game to a tabletop board game is a rather daunting task as the video game mechanics often are far too complex to translate into a simple board game but 11BitStudios has teamed up with veteran board game designers, Michal Oracz and Jakub Wisniewsk, to bring This War of Mine to the tabletop gaming scene.
The designers have adapted the drama and tension of This War of Mine into a tabletop board game simply named This War of Mine The Boardgame. The board game version of the adventurous war drama features a multiplayer experience for up to six players as well as a solo variant. You will be able to play as the well-known characters from the video game while facing hundreds of challenges never seen before. This will cause the player to face difficult choices, much like the video game experience has already brought us.
The entire project sounds extremely ambitious already but the threshold of being ambitious certainly rises as the developers are aiming towards an instant-play board game, meaning manuals will be overrated. An additional app with digital content will enhance the gameplay experience with extra features such as a soundtrack, live story updates, scenario-triggered scripts, cutscenes, game-related puzzles, mini-radio plays, hidden secrets, unlockable content and much, much more.
This War of Mine is coming to tabletops,1 Comment
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FFFFFF, so want this!