This War of Mine – Revisited

This War of Mine – Revisited

It’s been a few months since we reviewed This War of Mine, which you can read here. The stunning game has received overwhelmingly positive reviews, including some heartfelt reviews from war veterans who praise the game for its haunting realism. We’re not here to discuss the dark and beautiful crafted game once more but since the game has received a huge update, the biggest update so far even, we wanted to discuss how the changes intensify the already emotional masterpiece even more.

First, we would like to discuss a smaller update to the game, namely the War Child Charity DLC which can be bought for under a dollar or its equivalent. Thanks to this DLC, you’ll be able to find various unique street art pieces, made by artist from all over the globe, throughout any of your playthroughs. While this is only a small addition to the game, the compositions reflecting the condition and state of mind of humans during times of war, only intensifies the emotional rollercoaster you’ll find yourself straddled in when playing the game. Each art piece you’ve discovered is unlocked in an in-game gallery, where you’ll be able to stare endlessly at the creations.

this war of mine war child dlc

The second part of our revision is the huge content update the game has received which includes a Scenario editor, a Character Editor, two new locations and two new music tracks designed only for the nightly adventures.

The Scenario Editor allows the player to write their own story as they can choose which civilians they start the game with. On top of that, you can set the length of the conflict and the intensity of it. Since weather conditions are a huge part of the game’s difficulty, you can choose when winter comes, how hard it is and how long winter will be in town for. Lastly, you can choose which locations are added to your game’s city map.

The longer it takes until ceasefire, the more locations you are forced to pick. This type of “forcing” isn’t a negative one either as you will need these locations if you plan on surviving for as long as possible. There are twenty-one different locations which you can pick from and certain locations allow you to choose the type of inhabitants. These can range from rebels to homeless, from bandits to traders, from families to snipers, and even from traders to faithful priests. This kind of diversity can decrease or increase the difficulty of your playthrough while at the same time, it also ups the replay value of the game.

this war of mine city map

Besides the Scenario Editor, the Character Editor can be a huge part of how you write your own story. It will not intensify your playthrough by much but by allowing the player to create their own civilians, including their occupation and physique, the gameplay itself can change for the better. I would hate to think the game wouldn’t become more emotional if your digital person is in a warzone, fighting for their survival. By allowing the player to add a “profile” picture for a specific character, the realism only grows larger. Additionally it’s a great feature as it allows the player to feel like they are a part of the game, even if it’s an illusion.

All-in-all, these updates feel fairly small but in truth, it’s wonderful to know that they’re creating extra content for an already outstanding game.

this war of mine character scr

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Hi! I'm Jess and I’m a writer, dreamer and gamer at heart since the early ages. I primarily game on PC but occasionally also on PS4 and Xbox One. I have a tiny obsession for World of Warcraft and caterpillars but you may also claim I have a devoted passion for the gaming industry in general. If you want to hit me up, find me on twitter!

1 Comment

  1. | This War of Mine – Review
    December 31, 2015, 18:09

    […] Update: We’ve revisited This War of Mine after it received a huge content update. You can read all about it here. […]

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