Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands reveals its last two classes and other game details

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is an upcoming action role-playing first-person shooter from 2K and Gearbox Software and is a spin-off of the famed series Borderlands. With its release date on March 25 2022 steadily approaching, the devs have been gradually revealing more info on the game in their online Game Guide. Recently they also released a trailer that showcases the last two of the six classes we’ll find in the game: the Graveborn and Spore Warden. Vital to the game is its use of a multiclass system so players can make hybrid characters that utilize unique powers from different classes. Other details revealed in this latest update are locations we can explore and some of the harrowing pirate enemies you can expect to meet in the Wonderland coves.
The trailer mentioned above can be seen here as well!
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