Trailer bonanza with WOW Shadows of Argus patch 7.3

Today it is trailer bonanza to celebrate a new patch that has been released for the Shadows of Argus. Version 7.3 is out now and brings us a bunch of new goodies we have nicely summed up down here.
- Journey to by the Legion’s corrupted Argus and find out the ancestral home of the draenei in this new world
- Team up with the powerfull Army of Light in order to combat the Legion and get help from two champions of Azeroth’s past: Alleria Windrunner and Turalyon.
- Explore the three distinct regions of Argus: the fel-scarred surface named Krokuun, ancient runes of Mac’Aree and the floating city in the sky Antoran Wastes.
- Conquer the deep dungeon of the Triumvirate that is the ancient center of draenei culture.
- Customize Artifact Relics through the Netherlight Cruvible
- Steal Invasion Points on other worlds of the Legion, and command a drainei vessel that is your base of operations named the Vindicaar.
We have ‘The Story so far’ and ‘The Battle for Argus Begins’ trailer down below for if you want to check it out for yourself.
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