Warner Bros announces MultiVersus

Warner Bros has just announced that their brand new free-to-play 2v2 co-op fighting game MultiVersus will be coming to consoles and PC with cross-play. In this game, you must work together with your teammate to assure victory with one of the popular characters from different popular franchises. Characters that are revealed right now are coming from the Scooby-Doo, Looney Tunes, Game of Thrones, and DC universes. Other characters like Tom & Jerry, Jake the Dog, and Finn the Human are also announced. Every character will have their own combat mechanics that are focused on teamwork with your friend. These fights will take place in amazing locations like Batman’s Batcave and the treehouse of Jake & Finn. Other modes include 1v1 and free for all.
MultiVersus is planned for release somewhere in 2022 for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 & 5, and PC with cross-play functionalities.
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