Warner Bros. Interactive and IO Interactive announced their Hitman 2 November 2019 roadmap
The roadmap shows that this month will be themed with the celebration of the one-year anniversary of Hitman 2. This celebration will be done through tons of free content for the players to enjoy. Hitman 2 owners will have access to several Featured Contracts, Escalation Contracts, Challenge Packs, items, skins to unlock and an Elusive Target.
This is a list of all the free content updates that will release throughout the month:
- Bahadur Legacy Escalation Contract
- Teague Temptation Legacy Escalation Contract
- The Great Heist Challenge Pack
- Montague Audacity Escalation Contract
- Featured Contracts for special occasions
- Master Fortune Teller Legacy Challenge Pack
- Art of Revenge Legacy Challenge Pack
- Blake’s Endeavor Challenge Pack
- Arthin Occultation Legacy Escalation Contract
- Szilassi Darkness Legacy Escalation Contract
- Plumber’s Apprentice Legacy Escalation Contract
- Master Sniper Legacy Challenge Pack
- Fixer Legacy Elusive Target
- Bartholomew Hornswoggle Escalation Contract
- McCallister Ransack Escalation Contract
- Quimby Quandary Escalation Contract
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