Watch Dogs 2: T-Bone Content Bundle Trailer released

Watch Dogs 2: T-Bone Content Bundle Trailer released

Ubisoft just launched the trailer for the T-Bone Content Bundle for Watch Dogs 2. In this trailer you can see the bundle will give you extra missions the player has to do for T-Bone. The player has to get Bertha back to T-Bone. Bertha is an upgraded and modified schooltruck that T-Bone seems to have misplaced. Bertha is so extremely modified that it is a complete warmachine which Marcus can use to unleash mayhem on the streets of San Fransisco. The T-Bone Content Bundle also contains a new outfit, a new enemy called the Grenadier (the name already says what this enemy does), and a new Mayhem Co-Op Challenge.

This DLC is avalaible now for PS4 for any player who has the Watch Dogs 2 Season Pass. You can also buy the DLC or the Season Pass on PSN. Players who have the game on PC or XBox One have to wait 30 days before they’re able playing this bundle.

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Comic and sci-fi nerd waiting for the Doctor to pick him up!

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