We Happy Few – Available Now!

Pick up the distinctly dystopian lifestyle and above all, feel the Joy as you enter into the strange world of 1960’s England via We Happy Few, available now in early access. In an alternate reality where the Germans successfully invaded England in WW2, the survivors drug themselves to block out the horrors and the guilt. The drug, known as Joy, is compulsory and acting unhappy or not taking your “medicine” can quickly will draw the attention of the police and the ire of the townspeople.We Happy Few drops you in the town of Wellington Wells, a procedurally generated world filled with “happy” inhabitants. Playing as a downer (someone who has stopped taken their happy pills), you must blend in to avoid causing suspicion and follow their not-so ordinary rules. In a beautiful world, with a distinctly Bioshock-esque feel, you must discover the history behind this place and the secrets that drive each of its inhabitants. Boasting a host of features such as survival mechanics (hunger, thirst, sleep etc), weapon and trap crafting, a unique soundtrack, dark humour and three different gamemodes, you may find that you have your hands full just staying alive.
Available now in early access on Steam with plans to release on Xbox One. Check out some more screens below.
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