Wildstar’s new Contracts System explained

NCSOFT and Carbine Studios have just posted a deep dive article on the Contracts system in Wildstar, an exciting new feature coming up in the INVASION: Nexus update.
The contracts system is one of the many additions designed to deliver an even more fun Wildstar. Contracts are bite-sized, repeatable elder-game content that can be completed in a relatively short time as you work towards obtaining excellent loot. Contracts can be picked up at contract boards in each capital city. The contracts system enables players to make steady progress towards powerful gear.
Every day players will see five new contracts and will be able to choose three of them at a time. PvE contracts might involve killing specific enemies such as Moodies or Skeech, obtaining a certain number of multi-kills, completing a round of specific challenges or running content like veteran adventures. PvP contracts could simply require the player to finish any battleground, capture a certain number of masks in Walatiki Temple, win Rated Arena matches and many other possibilities. Players receive different rewards in PvE and PvP, so try to switch up your play style if you want to get all the rewards contracts have to offer.
The different contracts come in three levels of difficulty. Level 1 contracts are relatively simple, and every day you can complete as many of them as you like. Level 2 and Level 3 contracts are more challenging and may only be completed once each day. Completing contracts provides progress on the contracts reward track and higher level contracts reward significantly greater progress.
When a player completes a contract, he/she will receive in-game gold, a loot bag that could contain rewards such as Glory, Prestige or gear and contract reward points. These points accumulate as players complete contracts. At certain milestone points players can get bonus rewards. The bigger the milestone, the greater potential there is for better rewards. When you fill a particular reward track, it will reset which will give you different reward points each time.
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