Win an Xbox One and an exclusive pre-play of Saints Row IV: Re-Elected + Gat out of Hell (Belgium only)

Win an Xbox One and an exclusive pre-play of Saints Row IV: Re-Elected + Gat out of Hell (Belgium only)

Can you not wait to play too Saints Row IV: Re-Elected + Gat out of Hell? Than Game Mania Merksem offers the perfect solution. On the 16th and 17th of January you can pre-play Saints Row IV: Re-Elected + Gat out of Hell in Game Mania Merksem only. But there is more, the winner will receive an Xbox One on top of that. To find out how to compete, just click on this link.

Gat out of Hell

If you pre-order the game in the weekend of the 10th and 11th of January at Game Mania Merksem, you’ll also receive an exclusive poster. Saints Row IV: Re-Elected + Gat out of Hell will be available on Friday the 23rd of January for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Gat out of Hell is also separately available for PlayStation 3.

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I lift heavy stuff up and put it back down

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