Wolfenstein: The New Order release date and trailer

Bethesda has some interesting information about their first person action adventure shooter Wolfenstein: The New Order to feed our greedy gamers mouths.
This Wolfenstein game breathes new life in the well known franchise that helped a great deal in bringing first person shooters to the grand public back in the day. The story takes places in the 1960’s in a universe where the Nazi’s succeeded in winning World War II with the help of some seriously advanced weapons. Nobody can escape from their reign of terror and it’s up to you to travel across Europe and sabotage those high tech killing machines.
Has this stirred your interest? Well, you’ll be happy to know that the release date is set on the 23th of May 2014 so it’s just a couple of months of waiting until you can go on a Nazi hunt! That’s not all as those who pre-order Wolfenstein will be able to enjoy the beta of the next DOOM game too!
Wolfenstein: The New Order will be available on Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. For more information, check out www.wolfenstein.com.
With all this said, enjoy the trailer!
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