Written by: Charles Soule
Illustrations: Steve McNiven, Jay Leisten
Coloring: Justin Ponsor
Publisher: Standaard Uitgeverij
Wolverine #010 – Comic Book Review
Even though the ninth omnibus of the Wolverine series didn’t immediately give us the impression that the end was nigh, it’s finally time for the conclusive part of the series revolving around the hotheaded Logan, otherwise known as the Wolverine. This last issue will revolve around one story, where Logan is going back to his roots, after a bounty has been placed out on his life, or at least on capturing him alive. The questions remains however, who has it out for him, and why.
There’s not that much we can say about this last issue, safe for the fact that there’s a bounty on Logan’s head, if people at least capture him alive. Logan doesn’t know who gave the order, but he’s rather determined to find out who’s behind all of this, even if he has to neglect the advice from his friends to refrain from diving into battles too much, as his powers don’t work anymore, and even using his claws can make him ill, as retracting them after combat may distribute a lot of germs inside his body.
The flow is pretty much what we predicted last time, namely rather hasty and fairly lacking of details. Nonetheless, there is more than enough action to pass around, with Wolverine returning to his rather grizzly self, ignoring all the advice other people gave him about trying to slow down. Then again, there isn’t really that much room to slow down when hundreds of mercenaries and hired guns are out to get you, even if they apparently want to capture you alive.
Just like the last part of the previous bundle, this collection of issues is a bit more rough around the edges, which is a perfect illustration of the style for the Wolverine series, especially considering the rather rugged appearance Logan has always had, as well as his somewhat feral behavior. Nonetheless, there are a few different illustrators that have worked on the ending of the series, thus a few different styles can be seen throughout this omnibus.
Wolverine #010 is a fairly suitable ending to the series, albeit a bit rushed, allowing you less time to properly process everything that is going on, or everything that has transpired. That being said, if you were a fan of the series so far, and Logan’s self-destructive behavior, then this ending will probably be right up your alley.
Wolverine #010 – Comic Book Review,
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