Worbital launches on Steam today

Worbital launches on Steam today

We already had some coverage about the Worms inspired game: Worbital. In this you take the war on a far larger scale so instead of blowing up soldiers you will be blowing up entire planets. Since the game just launched today on Steam for PC and Mac, with a console port coming out later this year, this means that a review is coming out soon. Some key features are:

  • COSMIC CHAOS: Planets blow up. They might take other planets with them. Then the sun explodes. Then the real fun begins.
  • PREPARATION, BUILDING, TACTICS: Railguns, Lasers, World Rammers, Magnets, Orbit Boosters, Shield Defenses, Attack Ships, Colonizers… Pick your loadout from dozens of unique weapons!
  • 100% PSEUDO-SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE: Or: How we learned to stop worrying about realism and love the mayhem.
  • HYPE-FILLED OBLITERATION OF YOUR CLOSE AND DISTANT FRIENDS: Make your opponents scream with perfectly-timed attacks and defenses, and hope they’re still your friends the next day.
  • INTERPLANETARY ARTILLERY WARFARE: Exploit the shifting gravity by maneuvering your shots across space to inflict maximum damage on the enemy. Sling asteroids, create black holes, make it rain with solar flares!

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Worbital launches on Steam today, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Never give up on a dream. It might be a long nightmare, but one day it will change into a beautiful reality - MC_JP 2014

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