X-Wing vs Tie Fighter in the Old Republic

Old school PC fans and space sims remember the X-Wing, Tie Fighter, and X-Wing vs Tie Fighter games from the 90’s fondly and with good reason. Though Lucasarts didn’t do anything with the franchise and the now Disney owned Star Wars license hasn’t announced anything either that hasn’t stopped the team at Bioware Austin from creating a spiritual successor in their very own Star Wars MMO.
The newly announced digital expansion to The Old Republic, Galactic Starfighter is bringing space battles to PVP with 12 on 12 pvp matches with your very own customizable starfighter. Spanning several game modes Galactic Starfighter is set to allow you to dogfight your side to victory be it the Sith or the Republic, we all know that in the end the Mandalorians will stand on top.
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