Tyler: Model 005 needs your help

Tyler: Model 005 needs your help

Maximum Games and Reversed Interactive have announced a new 3D action-platformer game where you’ll be teleported back to the 1950s. You’ll be playing as Tyler, a miniature robot that finally powered back on after many years thanks to a thunderstorm. It seems his creator is gone, so you must go on an adventure to find out the truth. Of course, there are enemies and obstacles blocking your way, which you need to pass safely. As you’re a small robot, certain items are way bigger than we see them. For example, a chair can be a big thing for out little guy. Fighting bad guys can be done on different ways, going from boxing gloves to cherry bombs. Want to make Tyler a but more stylish? You’ll be able to find a variety of outfits so get ready for some dress-up fun too.

You’ll be able to purchase Tyler: Model 005 digitally on the 21st of August on Xbox One and Steam.

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Faster than lightning

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