Life is getting stranger once more!

Life is getting stranger once more!

Entitled ‘Rules’, Don’t Nod Entertainment is giving us the next look at the story of their award winning series of ‘Life is Strange’ games. Starting some months after the events of the first episode, brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz run from their pursuers as their strange, supernatural powers grow. The changing of the seasons is not making this any easier however and as Daniel becomes more acquainted with his powers he will have to learn to be less of a danger to himself and his surroundings. Rules then, is about the rules the brothers set to keep themselves safe and hidden. Never in public, don’t talk about it, run when in danger. But how hard will it be for a 9-year old to keep to those rules?

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Bryan, Dutch, gamer, metalhead. 26, and been playing games for as long as I can remember. Pokemon gold for life!

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