Assassin’s Creed (Blu-ray) – Movie Review
Follow Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Drama
Director: Justin Kurzel
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
Duration: 115 minutes

Assassin’s Creed (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Site Score
Good: Acting, Effects
Bad: Rather slow
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(5 votes)
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With Warcraft receiving a movie it was only a matter of time before more series would join this example, and here we are with the brand new Assassin’s Creed movie, which received very mixed reactions after it had aired in theatres. Older gaming and movie enthusiasts all know that previous movies based on games often proved to be rubbish that didn’t adhere to the fan base at all. Warcraft was a rather promising movie, even though it didn’t follow the lore it was based on to the letter. Assassin’s Creed also tries to head in its own direction, while remaining close to the source material. We were curious to see just how deadly this movie proved to be.

Assassin's Creed

Cal Lynch (Michael Fassbender) has had a rough childhood, with his mother being murdered by his father, forcing him to flee from his home and lead a life filled with violence. Now, Cal finds himself on death row, facing his last day as a living and breathing human being. For some reason, after his so-called lethal injection, Cal wakes up in a strange facility, that claims they want to cure the world of violence, and that Cal might just be the key to end the world’s pain. While he is rather unwilling to participate in the project, things turn from peculiar to outright bizarre, when he is being hooked up to a machine called the ‘animus’. This animus allows one to retrace the steps of their forefathers, by reliving their memories. In this scenario, Cal is the last direct descendant of Aguilar (Michael Fassbender), a member of the brotherhood of assassins, who protect the ‘apple of Eden’, which contains the formula of free will for all humans. Aguilar lived in the fifteenth century and was the last one to see the apple, which is a very coveted item for the Templar order, who have been waging war against the assassin’s for centuries. The Templar are not as noble as the assassins however, as they wish to eradicate free will, and make every human being follow their laws. Before long it becomes clear that Cal has fallen in the hands of the Templar, rather than those who wish to better mankind.

Assassin's Creed 1

Assassin’s Creed’s flow is best to be described as rather slow, especially the first half of the movie, where the complete picture is still being sketched and during this period you’re still getting to know most characters and are rather unsure to either like or dislike the movie’s protagonist. Nonetheless, the mix of information and action feels just about right, and things remain rather clear and understandable from start to finish.

It has to be said that the creators of this movie did their best to make the movie accessible for all sorts of people, even those who never laid a finger on a controller or simply one of the Assassin’s Creed games. The latter is a rather commendable achievement, as movies based on games are often solely for true fans of the series, and even in the past, many movies such as this were never able to truly please their own, small and very specific fan base. Nonetheless, the plot and the overall story still are something you either love or hate. An honorable mention goes out to the special effects and the beautiful environments showed in this movie.

Assassin's Creed 2

Acting performances are rather believable and spot-on in this big screen makeover of Assassin’s Creed. Michael Fassbender does a great job in playing both the weary convict, as well as the ancient assassin, and he could actually pose as a great assassin in one of the games as well. On the other side of the fence, there are Sofia, played by Marion Cotillard and Rikkin, played by Jeremy Irons, who both also play their roles quite well. Marion Cotillard actually makes her character feel as if she’s on the good side, while it’s clear that Jeremy Irons is the villain of this flick.

The extras on this Blu-ray edition of Assassin’s Creed are rather plentiful, as you’ll get a lot of behind the scenes footage, which all handle different topics, such as how the concept was worked out, even though some of the cast members weren’t all too familiar with the series, how a new animus was created, how combat scenes came to fruition and several other items. Other than that, there are several other more typical featurettes, such as the trailer, interviews and a gallery for you to extend your Assassin’s Creed experience with.


Even though Assassin’s Creed isn’t the masterpiece fans of the series were waiting for, it’s still a very nice movie, which pleases both the immense AC fan base, as well as those who just like a good action movie, with some Sci-Fi components thrown into the mix. This is one of those movies where you come for the story, but eventually remain for the very nicely handled effects. If you’re a fan of the series, it’s still well worth giving this one a go.

Assassin's Creed 3

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Assassin's Creed (Blu-ray) - Movie Review, 7.6 out of 10 based on 5 ratings


  1. JasuSakura
    May 1, 2017, 18:32

    I liked the movie… unfortunately as for most movies based on videogames, this movie won’t probably receive any sequels

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    • ThaMofo
      May 1, 2017, 19:11

      It was decent. And no clue, at the ending it’s clear they wish to make another movie, but the question remains if they want to invest in it.

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  2. […] Which assassin does Michael Fassbender portray in the Assassin’s Creed movie? (Answer can be found by clicking here.) […]

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