Battle of the Bulge hands out its spoils of war.

The fine folks over at Shenandoah Studio are holding promotion event in honor of their recent release of version 2.0 for their World War II strategy game, Battle of the Bulge.
To celebrate the game’s anniversary, alongside its release to iPhone and iPod Touch, players can sign up for a tournament. Instructions can be found on the game’s forum, which is also the place to turn to for a sneak-peak at the prize you’ll be competing for – spoiler: it’s cold, hard cash, just the thing we love.
If you haven’t played Battle of the Bulge yet, you are a horrible person and should be extremely ashamed. It’s one of the best strategy games on i-devices and has kept improving ever since I reviewed it way back in February. New scenarios – of which one is completely free – and two additional A.I.’s spice things up a bit. This most recent update also adds a beefy Players’ Guide to the mix, offering tips and tricks from seasoned players.
If anything, it’s a welcome addition, because Battle of the Bulge is nothing, if not unforgiving. Take it as a personal recommendation from me to at least have a quick look at the – often quite detailed – information, that’s available in the guide.
Last, but not least; here’s a handy link to the game’s blog with more information about the new release and the competition.
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