Borderlands 3 – Finally available on Steam!
Borderlands 3 is finally available on Steam!
After being only available through the Epic Games Launcher for a while, you can now also purchase and play Borderlands 3 on Steam. There is also good news for the players who waited to buy the game till it was on Steam, but have friends who bought the game on Epic. You will be able to add friends and play together online no matter which launcher they use. Gearbox is also planning to add even more Cross-Play functions so you can also trade weapons between launchers.
The Steam version will contain all the updates and added content including Takedown on the Maliwan Blacksite. If you purchase the Borderlands 3 Season Pass or Super Deluxe Edition you will also have access to the first paid DLC, Moxxi’s Heist of The Handsome Jackpot. The Second paid DLC, Guns, Love, and Tentacles: The Marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock, is also releasing on the 26th of March so there will be a bunch of content to enjoy.
Borderlands 3 is now available on the PlayStation 4, PC (Steam and Epic), Xbox One and Google Stadia. We already reviewed the PS4 version, which you can check out here.
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