Cats Get Ready to Take Over Mars in Learning Factory’s Latest Teaser Trailer!

Cats Get Ready to Take Over Mars in Learning Factory’s Latest Teaser Trailer!, developers of educational games, strive to offer cats, lots of cats, scores of cats… and that is exactly what you will get in this new teaser trailer for factory automation game Learning Factory (releasing on Steam Early Access on February 18th for €11.99/$14.99, with a 10% off release discount) just a week before its release! In Learning Factory, you have to design and build increasingly big and complex factories to make goods for cats, and analyse their data with machine learning models until you understand what those mesmerizing creatures are truly up to!


  • Build a factory from scratch to make goods for cats
  • Automate and optimize it to be as efficient as possible
  • Research new stuff to make and build machines to do the job
  • Build cat-entertaining facilities inside your new research lab and collect useful data on their behaviour
  • Get sales data and analyse it with Machine Learning to create better quality and custom stuff
  • Optimise your factory to unveil the mystery of cats’ true nature and how they can change the Universe

Just like their previous game, the acclaimed puzzle game about machine learning while True: learn(), Learning Factory is backed by specialists in the subject, and implements real-world machine learning models. Playing the game will also show you how big data is collected and processed. Oh, does it sound like going a bit too far just for understanding what your cat means when it is kicking stuff off the table, or looking at random corners of the room and waking you up in the middle of the night for no discernible reason? Well, then it’s obvious you’ve never lived with cats before!

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