Collaboration between Blizzard and Facebook

Collaboration between Blizzard and Facebook

Social media might be one of the most important ways to get in touch with other people. Blizzard wants to use this network to give players the chance to share their passion with their friends. For starters, Blizzard will integrate the possibility to log in with your Facebook account, making it possible to access and start playing your favorite games.

One of the next steps is to incorporate Facebook’s Live API to make it possible to live-stream directly on this social medium. Your friends are able to subscribe and be notified when you’re streaming a new session.

“Blizzard games are best when played with friends, so it’s important to us to provide our players with features and services that make it easy and fun to share their experiences with each other. We’re working closely with Facebook on this integration for Overwatch, as well as our other games, and we look forward to sharing further details on our plans as development progresses.”
Gio Hunt, executive vice president of corporate operations at Blizzard Entertainment.


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