Crowd Funding success story – Vokabulantis meets goal with eight days left

Crowd Funding success story – Vokabulantis meets goal with eight days left

Stop-motion is something that is very time and labor-intensive work. Therefore it is beautiful for the developers of Vokabulantis that their project met its budget with days to spare over at Kickstarter. Vokabulantis is a story about two people, Karla and Kurt who are stuck at an intersection trying to hold hands but when they want to speak they get catapulted into Vokabulantis. Now they must work together to save this world and their love, although they have no ability to speak. Vokabulantis is a co-op stop-motion game that is completely handcrafted with love by the developers.


  • Wired Fly Animation – lego stop motion commercials and own award-winning film production
  • Kong Orange (game developer) – best known for Felix The Reaper
  • Morten Søndergaard – Artist, poet and author.

Vokabulantis – Game Details

  • Platforms: Targeted all major game platforms
  • Play modes: Can be played as a single player or local co-op.
  • Playtime: 6-8 hours of gameplay in the main story and an additional 2-4 for achievement hunting.
  • Genre: Platformer adventure rich with action and puzzle-based experiences.

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Never give up on a dream. It might be a long nightmare, but one day it will change into a beautiful reality - MC_JP 2014

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