Developer: Darkflow Software, EXNOA LLC
Publisher: Gaijin Entertainment, Gaijin Distribution KFT
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Tested on: PC, PS4, Xbox One
CRSED: F.O.A.D. Fire Dragon Pack & Metal Zombie Pack DLC – Review
What started as an April Fool’s joke has led to the creation of quite a fun Battle Royale Game. Somewhat more than a year ago, we got the chance to take a look at Cuisine Royale and write a review on the Xbox One version of this game. Now, we have obtained two premium packs, The Fire Dragon Pack and the Metal Zombie Pack. You can read our review of Cuisine Royale by clicking here.
Over the course of time since our initial review, Cuisine Royale has done well in its first year, which has led to a second release of the game after a year that included a name change from just “Cuisine Royale” to CRSED: F.O.A.D. (Cuisine Royale Second Edition: Fulfillment of All Desires). Probably, this has been done to step away from the April Fools’ joke’s image where players could battle each other with kitchenware. With this new release, the developers have mostly dropped all the classic kitchen-related items, and removed all kitchenware screenshots from the game’s website. Now, they’re focusing on releasing serious content that fits a Battle Royale game.
When we booted up the game after a very long while, the first thing we noticed is that we got a free Battle Pass that gives us access to the premium content that can be unlocked by playing the game a lot. Probably, this is a reward for us being players from the original game. The transition to the new version has also led to a reset of our player stats, but in a weird way as we had already unlocked some of the challenges available without even doing a thing. In terms of gameplay, the game hasn’t really changed that much. When you kill enemies, it’s still difficult to loot their items as they are all dropped on the ground and you can’t highlight the items you want. The gameplay still feels unchanged compared to more than a year ago.
CRSED: F.O.A.D. now offers premium packs that will acquire you new characters, an extra costume for your newly added character, a unique melee weapon and 700 crowns. Offering these items in a pack will save you some money as everything added up together costs more money than the pack. We’ve acquired both the Fire Dragon Pack and the Metal Zombie pack. The Fire Dragon Pack adds Sin “Huli” Yeou-bi as a playable character, The Fire dragon suit for this character, the Odachi, a two-handed Japanese sword and 700 crowns. While the outfit only fits the character in the pack, the melee weapon can be equipped by every character. The Metal Zombie Pack adds Louis “Bokor” Celine, the Metal Zombie suit, the Voodoo Staff and another 700 crowns.
The outfits in these packs are only available for the characters that go with them, but the melee weapons can be equipped by every character you own. If you look at the usefulness of these packs, our opinion is divided. Sure, the characters and the outfits are awesome (if you like them) but the melee weapons mostly function as fancy props in this game. The combat is mostly focused on ranged battles with firearms, and the first thing you do when you find a gun equip it and neglect your cool unique melee weapon for the rest of the game session. The crowns you get with these packs can be used to acquire additional cosmetic items or to buy a Battle Pass. You can also choose to convert your crowns to Eternal Grace, which is used to unlock new mystic powers that can be used in-game by spending souls you gather by killing other players.
After more than a year, Cuisine Royale has made quite the transition from an April Fools’ joke with kitchenware to a full serious Battle Royale game including a second release with the game’s name being changed to CRSED: F.O.A.D.. The Fire Dragon Pack and the Metal Zombie pack both earn you a new playable character with an outfit, a unique melee weapon and 700 crowns. While the melee weapons are stronger than the standard knife you get, you won’t use them a lot as the combat is focused on ranged combat, like in most Battle Royale games. If you like the characters with their costumes, plus the addition of the melee weapon and the 700 crowns, then we definitely won’t discourage you in buying these packs because you’ll get a lot more worth for your money compared to buying crowns.
CRSED: F.O.A.D. Fire Dragon Pack & Metal Zombie Pack DLC - Review,
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