Deliver Us The Moon – Out now on consoles worldwide!

The epic sci-fi thriller, Deliver Us The Moon, is now worldwide available for the PS4 and Xbox One.
The game was originally released on the PC in October of 2019 and was praised all over. Deliver Us The Moon is created with Unreal Engine 4 and takes place in a close-by apocalyptic future where the earth has run out of resources.
“This is a beautiful realistic game that will resonate with fans of sci-fi thrillers. We are happy that console gamers around the world will finally get the chance to experience it”, says Leo Zullo, Managing Director at Wired Productions. Koen Deetman, CEO of KeokeN Interactive continues. “This console release is the height of a journey that we started as kids. A journey that started when we looked up in awe to a star-filled heaven, encouraged by our grandfather who was an astronomer and telescope builder, and shaped us into game developers that created a deep and immersive game world where you truly feel like a real astronaut.”
You will follow a group of space veterans who travel to the moon in desperation to find out what happened to the colony on the moon. The communications had abruptly ended which left earth without energy and in darkness. This team is humankind’s last hope to restart the energy supply and bring the light back.
Deliver Us The Moon is now available as a Standard Edition as well as a physical Deluxe Edition, which besides the game also has the soundtrack and a digital artbook. The Deluxe Edition will be available from the 14th of August. We reviewed Deliver Us The Moon before on PC, which you can check out here.
If you are a fan of astronauts and are currently enjoy Animal Crossing New Horizons as much as us, then you might like the Deliver Us The Moon’s artwork as a decoration for your house. Which coincidentally the developers have made available on their twitter here.
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