Destroy some bosses in Mechstermination Force

Destroy some bosses in Mechstermination Force

Boss battles, these mostly get set up a long way and are the epic part through a storyline of a game. But what if a game only consists about boss fights? Then you get a boss rush game. In Mechstermination Force you get to fight fourteen massive bosses that all have one shared goal: end humanity for once and for all. This small 2d side-scroller shooter isn’t that long as an experienced player can blow through it in a few hours, but with the co-op part this surely is an interesting title that only costs €11.99/$11.99/£10.99. So for the cost of a value meal you can either have a full stomach or a few hours of fun with a friend!

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Never give up on a dream. It might be a long nightmare, but one day it will change into a beautiful reality - MC_JP 2014

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