Digital Pre-orders now available for Jump Force

As of today, Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe has announced that you can pre-order the new upcoming fighting game Jump Force on Xbox One and PC. On the 23rd, PS4 users will also have the ability to pre-order their copy of this new game on the PlayStation Store.
Aside of this, two new Dragon Ball characters have been added to the character roster. The first being Cell which is a fighter combined by the genes of the strongest fighters that ever set foot on earth. The second one is Piccolo, the Namekian that once wanted to conquer earth but is now considered a part of the Z-Fighters that protect the earth from harm.
They also confirmed today that the accessories and clothing of all the characters available in Jump Force can be combined at will to create your own unique character. This means you can combine clothing from Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto and all the other Jump animes to your own liking.
Three different digital editions are available for pre-order, the Standard, Deluxe and Ultimate edition. The Deluxe edition includes the Character Pass that provides 9 new characters at game launch and four days of early access to each upcoming DLC. The Ultima edition contains everything included in the Deluxe edition plus 16 extra t-shirts for your avatar, a starter pack with extra items and boosts plus 3 days of early access to the full game.
If you pre-order one of the versions of the game, you will receive and extra lobby vehicle and 3 avatar-exclusive outfits to use in-game.
Xbox One and PC users can pre-order the game now and PS4 players can pre-order the game as of the 23rd of November. Jump Force will release on the 15th of February next year.
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