Fallout 76 has released officially today

Fallout 76 has released officially today

Today is finally the day. Fallout 76 has released officially on consoles and PC. Fallout 76 is a totally new experience in the Fallout franchise. The former games are known for their post-apocalyptic single-player experiences. Now, with Fallout 76, Bethesda Game Studios have taken a turn to online gaming.

Fallout 76 is a prequel that’s set in a post-apocalyptic Appalachia. The vault door of Vault 76 opens 25 years after the bombs have fallen, more than hundred years before the events of the other Fallout games. The residents of Vault 76 have the mission to rebuild mankind. Most importantly, other than the last games in this franchise, Fallout 76 is focused on online gameplay. You can play alone, or you can play with friends and work together to build mankind back to normal after the catastrophic bombings.

Before Fallout 76 released, Bethesda released the Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. or the Break-It Early Test Application. Players who had pre-ordered Fallout 76 could join this B.E.T.A. to test the game at the current stage of development to help Bethesda work out many bugs and test the servers. This B.E.T.A. wasn’t what everyone was expecting as you could only enter the game for short periods of time at specific time schedules. After the testing was complete and Bethesda completed their Day One Patch, another 51 GB need to be downloaded before you can play, bringing the total storage needed to almost 100 GB.

Stay tuned for more content on Fallout 76 here on 3rd-Strike including our review on this new concept in the Fallout franchise. To get you hyped for Fallout 76 you can watch the official live action trailer below.

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