Free new map for The Escapists

It’s already been a year since The Escapists was released, and now it’s time for Team17, Mouldty Toof Studios and you to celebrate with a new free map called Paris Central Pen, which will be available for PC, Mac, and Linux users on the 16th of February via a free Steam update.
The idea for Paris Central Pen was inspired by La Santé Prison in Paris, once hailed as one of France’s most notorious and brutal prisons, and home to infamous Carlos the Jackel. Plenty of inspiration there, then!
Now, PS4 and Xbox One users might be feeling rather despondent since these consoles haven’t been mentioned- but fear not! The update will come at a later, currently unspecified date, so keep your eyes peeled.
Now all that’s left to say is Happy Birthday, The Escapists!
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