Heart of the Swarm launch parties

As you may or may not know the first expansion to Starcraft 2 is slowly approaching, this expansion will let you take control of the Zerg with their own campaign and I can’t wait. The Zerg are far and away my favourite faction in the Starcraft franchise which may or may not have something to do with the fact that Tyranids from Warhammer 40K are my favourite faction in that franchise. So its safe to assume I’m counting down the days until I can take control of The Queen of Blades and wreak havok on the Terrans and Protoss with my Zergling and Mutalisks.
To celebrate the launch of the Heart of the Swarm expansion Blizzard will be hosting 9 launch parties that will be held all day long. If you live in the US, you can take part in the launch party at the Irvine Spectrum Mall in Irvine, California. The party begins at 9 pm PDT on March 11th, if you plan on going you’ll be able to watch live eSports matches between pro gamers from both the US and South Korea, along with prize give-aways, and your chance to get your copy signed by the games developers.
If you don’t live in the US don’t worry as Blizzard will also be hosting launch parties in; Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, France, Russia, Brazil, and Mexico. If you won’t be able to make it to one of the launch parties don’t feel left out as the US launch party will be streaming live via Twitch starting at 3 am PDT on March 11th.
Enjoy the latest trailer for the game as you wait for the release of Heart of the Swarm on March 12th 2013.
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