Home Release – Freddie de Kikker

Freddie de Kikker is an animation movie about a brave frog Freddie who goes on an adventure with his loyal partner Spierbonk. Together, they do everything in their power to save the kingdom from its downfall!
The King of the frogs (Just Meijer) announces that whoever wins the frog games, he will have the chance to marry his daughter, the princess (Peggy Vrijens). She on the other hand, really doesn’t want to marry a stranger and so she runs away. Disguised as a regular civilian, the meets Freddie (Timo Descamps), who’s a street merchant. Freddie wants to win the frog games so he can mess up the plans of the King of frogs. Meanwhile, the evil snake Serpent (Frans Limburg) has his own ideas what to do with the frog games and he’s planning to take over the whole kingdom!
Freddie de Kikker will release on the 25th of September on DVD and Blu-ray.
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