Is it ever OK to buy Social Media Stats for your business?

Nowadays social media have become an important tool for building a proper marketing strategy. It is used widely not only by big brands but small businesses as well. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and all other networks changed the way of interaction between a customer and brand. The process of purchase tends to become shorter and easier. At the same time, social platforms have caused a major impact on the terms of launching the business and getting first revenue.

To reach success you have to act fast. In order to enhance their growth online, many businesses are driving their thoughts towards buying likes, subscribers or views. In this article we will try to find out why they are doing that and do such purchases pay off.


The most common reason is – to jumpstart the business and get the first income faster. In online communities the more likes you get, the more popular and recognized you become. The same works for brand profiles too. Buying likes helps to widen the sphere of influence and develop a better public image of the brand. Thing is, social media algorithms often rely on the numbers. So to make those work for your business you have to gain a bigger quantity of stats that matter to you. Buying them is one of the methods that help to tame the algorithms. The most common stats to buy would be:

  • Likes
  • Followers/ subscribers
  • Views (mostly relevant for YouTube and Twitch)

This topic is quite controversial and as a matter of fact, it is still illegal. With the growth of paid service companies, social networks develop tools to detect and wipe out the bots. Anyway, you have to understand that there is a big difference between using paid services at the beginning of your career and mindless grossing numbers without a purpose. Yet again, it is all about the digits. No one should judge you when you buy 500 YouTube views in order to increase your rates for keeping your business up.

After all, if Kardashians, BTS, and Helen DeGeneres are doing that, why can’t anyone else?


The most important thing to remember is to keep the balance between the real followers and the ones you bought. If you will fill your account up with the “bots”, you will end up with an inactive profile that won’t bring any profit to you and even get suspended for fraud. The same with likes and views. Also, nowadays users are quite keen on finding out that you are buying stats if you are not doing it wisely. To avoid that you should follow a few tips that we will share:

  • Be careful with the numbers. No need to spend fortunes, especially at the start. Remember that real followers and likes have to be a majority
  • Keep in mind that buying likes has a single purpose – make the progress of your brand easier
  • When you purchase likes and followers, you purchase only quantity, not quality.
  • Always look for trustworthy services. You shouldn’t believe if they claim that you will get a thousand followers in some unrealistic terms like 1 hour. Seek the ones, who provide organic growth
  • Paid followers will not become your customers so you have to work on your marketing strategy even better


Well, the most important perk of buying social media followers and likes is speed. The first few hundreds may come up easily, but further growth will become harder, in comparison with businesses who bought some. People find stores that have more likes on their posts and more followers to be trustworthy and that increases the possibility of them becoming customers.

Even if you buy followers and likes, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t work with those that came organically. A good influencer, as well as a good brand, always aims for better engagement, and that is only possible if you have a constant flow of organic likes and real followers.

So the trick is that even if you do buy likes, you still have to do the same amount of work with your live audience. As stated above, paid services are thoroughly helping to boost your profile and their main goal is to provide an interest of real people to it. This is an extremely effective tactic for small businesses. With purchasing the right amount of followers and likes, you can easily outstand your competitors.


Paid promotion can do bad to personal accounts, where personal interaction is prior to the numbers. But for brands, especially at the start, using some paid service can be used for a good reason. In the modern world where new business ideas are born every day, the winner would be the one, who manages to make his brand recognizable faster than others. Thus, buying likes on social platforms is getting you a step further. Faster promotion equals faster revenue. The most important thing to remember is that balance is everything.

People will consider your brand as an established one with a bigger number of followers and likes on your posts, but they still need to see communication from you. What they want to see is an attitude, an opinion, and values of your brand. Also, social media is very important for customer service. A whole lot of bought followers won’t be any help if you don’t keep your brand “alive”, and don’t put your very soul into the development of your business.

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Is it ever OK to buy Social Media Stats for your business?, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Aspiring ninja.

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