Musings on the closure of Age of Empires: Castle Siege.

Debuting in 2014, Age of Empires: Castle Siege will be closing its virtual doors on May 13th, 2019, for all platforms. With its (for the time) revolutionary cross platform RTS play in a Castle builder game, it pushed the boundaries for mobile strategy games. Support for the game will continue up until its shutdown, and Smoking Gun Interactive is currently working on its next title in the same genre for when the eventual end comes.
“For Smoking Gun Interactive, it has been an honor to work on Age of Empires: Castle Siege and we are truly sad to see that this is coming to an end. The team really enjoyed working on this title and had many exciting ideas on where to take it, but unfortunately that was just not possible,” said John Johnson, CEO of Smoking Gun Interactive. “We hold dear the wonderful years we’ve shared with our players and that experience will remain with us forever. You all made this game very successful and we thank you for that and are grateful for the opportunity from Microsoft to have worked on such a beloved franchise.”
To see the full Microsoft statement please visit:
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