Neverwinter is getting a new module: Rise of Tiamat

Neverwinter is getting a new module: Rise of Tiamat

Popular free-to-play action MMORPG Neverwinter is getting yet another module, the fifth one already. Rise of Tiamat will take players into the ongoing war against the Cult of the Dragon, directly following the events of the previous module (Tyranny of Dragons) and the siege of Neverwinter event. This module will also completent Wizards of the Coast’s latest tabletop adventure module. New in Rise of Tiamat is also a new paragon path for the Scourge Warlock class and new pieces of artifact gear for high level players.

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I'm currently studying software-development. My main hobbies are gaming (software/hardware) and music (jazz saxophone player). I game primarily on PC (and also love building them) but also play on PS3, iOS and Android.

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